Tuesday, September 27, 2016

identify your aptitude

Today someone shared this picture on whatsapp. It is hilarious, now doubt. this triggered a thought does the mosquito of malaria has  and aptitude to become dengue mosquito??? oOfff course this is a joke and does not matter in real life. Wait.. does it matter???

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Ubuntu 16.04: Missing Menu bar in LIbre Office and some other softwares.

Ubuntu have been my all time favorite Operating system because of its easy to use and attractive interface. Initially I was bit confused with the Unity but after reading some blogs online and some animation affects I started loving it. I had been waiting for the official of release of 16.04 since March 2016. And recently deployed Ubuntu 16.04 on over 10 stand alone system on my network.

How I encountered the problem

Setup MAMP (Mac Apache MySQL/MySQL DB PHP) on Mac OS Sonoma on Macbook (Silicon Chip)

Introduction Apple MacBook has gained popularity among developers in recent past. Many young developers are switching to Mac from Windows an...