Thursday, September 7, 2017

upgrading an CI application from 2.0.x to 3.0.x

upgrading an CI application from 2.0.x to 3.0.x
This is second CI application that I found on internet. Actually I baught this script online.the Application was actually built in CI2 but ever since I upgraded my OS from Ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04 the application did not install and I thought of upgrading the CodeIgniter version of the application. In order to upgrade it I followed the instruction given on /user_guide/installation/upgrade_300.html which initially asked me to capitalize the first letter of classes, models etc. secondly replace config/mimes.php and other instruction on the guide.
once the changes as suggested in guide were done I tried to run application, but it was an failure. I had to browse the apache error log to find out the source of error and do some minor fixing. Now I was able to get some response on my browser. (Earlier the browser was completely blank) the the first problem that I had to address was related to PHPactiveRecord. The actual error was as follows

H5P in your lessons

This is custom h5p content created with lumi from portal