Saturday, November 11, 2017

Got rid of #1036 - table is read only using phpmyadmin

Today when one of my acquittance asked me that he is unable to access mysql on his wamp server I asked him to show me his system. Initially I thought that the problem is in his php script. I check the script but nothing was wrong.
Then I decided to check the query. The query was also looking fine. I was suspecting that the problem might be related to incorrect syntax so I decided to print the query generated by php and run it direct on mysql server (it was insert statement).

Thursday, September 7, 2017

upgrading an CI application from 2.0.x to 3.0.x

upgrading an CI application from 2.0.x to 3.0.x
This is second CI application that I found on internet. Actually I baught this script online.the Application was actually built in CI2 but ever since I upgraded my OS from Ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04 the application did not install and I thought of upgrading the CodeIgniter version of the application. In order to upgrade it I followed the instruction given on /user_guide/installation/upgrade_300.html which initially asked me to capitalize the first letter of classes, models etc. secondly replace config/mimes.php and other instruction on the guide.
once the changes as suggested in guide were done I tried to run application, but it was an failure. I had to browse the apache error log to find out the source of error and do some minor fixing. Now I was able to get some response on my browser. (Earlier the browser was completely blank) the the first problem that I had to address was related to PHPactiveRecord. The actual error was as follows

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

php, phpmyadmin on mariadb not working on ubuntu

Ever since Ubuntu upgraded to 16.04 with php 7 setting up LAMP server is not very difficult but getting it up is sometimes troublesome. specially running php7 because running php7 on apache also need to install mbstring and libapache2-mod-php you can use following commands on terminal to install these packages and within in no moment you will have your php working.
sudo apt install php libapache2-mod-php
sudo apt install php7.0-mbstring

H5P in your lessons

This is custom h5p content created with lumi from portal